The first step to any change is to become more informed. Whether you want to live better with your trait of High Sensory Sensitivity (or Sensory Processing Sensitivity, or High Sensory Intelligence) or you want to transform climate anxiety into inspired action, I encourage you to explore some of the resources below. I have selected them specifically so as to not overwhelm you. Pick just one, take the time to see how it makes you feel, and only continue to explore what serves you. It is not about quantity, it's about finding the right resource for you - the one that brings you life.
If you are a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)...
Julie Bjelland is a psychotherapist, author, and sensitivity expert, who has been researching and advocating for the trait for over 30 years. She is the host of The HSP Podcast and Founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community, a private, online platform for HSPs to connect and support each other. I highly recommend her free masterclass: Tools to Help the Sensitive Thrive in a Chaotic World, and her courses: Brain Training for the Highly Sensitive Person, and Blooming Brilliantly: Understanding and Loving Who You Are as a Sensitive Person. Julie is warm, supportive and highly responsive. It is your first stop if you want to learn more about High Sensory Intelligence (using her quiz) and join a welcoming community of other sensitives.
Whether you know you are a Highly Sensitive Person or relate to some of the trait's characteristics and want to find out more, Dr. Elaine Aron's website has a wealth of information, most of which from her own research. She and her husband Arthur Aron pioneered the field of high sensitivity in the early 1990's. She is the author of many books, and on the website, you can also find videos, a list of HSP-knowledgeable practitioners, a blog, FAQ, and a short self-test to find out where you may fit on the Highly Sensitivity scale.

If you are overwhelmed by climate all of the climate news and data available, I can't think of a better way to get rid of the noise than by signing up for climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe's newsletter. Her weekly email is short, clean, to the point. It has 3 sections: one piece of bad news, one piece of good news, and what you can do. Her strongest belief is that it all starts with a conversation, so you can be sure that her tips are not about making big purchases or changing your lifestyle overnight. Even spreading the word about this newsletter can have a huge impact.

While the feel is more similar to that of a traditional news site that can be overwhelming, The Cool Down weekly newsletter really delivers on its promise for "good news, useful advice, and easy hacks that you’re not hearing about anywhere else." If it's too much, don't try to read it all. Pick one climate solution story to share with others next time you are in a heavy a conversation about the climate, or just glimpse at the headlines before you file it away. It will be enough to give you a dose of optimism.

This positive news site often highlights stories of common heroes. Their mission "We aim to amplify the voice of our collective compassion -- by featuring news articles of everyday people choosing love over fear." Their newsletter comes out weekly and in a clean, easy-to-read format. Five stories with a photo and short paragraph, with links to read more, make it a very manageable way to get a dose of optimism.

If like me, you get overwhelmed by a lot of text, this resource is for you. When you subscribe to KarmaTube, you receive a link to a short, beautiful, and inspiring video once a week. It's the perfect way to take a break and remember what is going well in the world. You are sure to be moved and will want to tell everyone about what you watched.
Other sources of positive climate news:
BBC Future Planet, Reasons to be Cheerful, or The Bright Spot
If you are looking for supportive climate-related resources...